Installation & Licenses management

AppExchange listing

You can install the Avonni Component Builder package into your Salesforce instance from Salesforce AppExchange.

Installation process

  1. Install Avonni Component Builder

  2. Administrators are assigned a license by default. Continue assigning licenses to other users who need access to flows that have Avonni Components embedded.

License management

The Avonni Components managed package includes a freemium offer of 10 licenses, allowing you to use the Avonni Components in your Salesforce organization. This is an excellent opportunity to become familiar with our components and conduct live tests with specific users.

When you install the Avonni Components Package in a sandbox environment, it automatically includes a site license. This means there are no restrictions on the number of users or time limits. Before implementing them in your production environment, you can thoroughly test the components in any way you choose.

Step-by-Step Guide

Assigning an Avonni license to your users

To ensure that your users can correctly view and use Avonni Components, assigning an Avonni Components license to each user is important. You can do this by following these steps:

  • Open the Salesforce Setup Page

  • Search for Installed Packages

  • Search for Avonni Components on the list and click Manage Licenses

  • Assign an Avonni Components license to each user that needs access to the Avonni Components in the flow.

Assigning Avonni Components Permissions in Salesforce

For the successful integration of Avonni Components in your Salesforce org, it is essential to assign the 'Avonni Flow Screen Components' permission sets to the relevant users.

To assign the 'Avonni Flow Screen Components' permission sets in Salesforce, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Setup: Log in to your Salesforce account and enter the Setup PAge.

  • Access Users: In the Setup menu, look for the 'Users' section.

  • Select Permission Sets: Under the Users section, find and click on 'Permission Sets'.

  • Find Avonni Permission Set: Search for the 'Avonni Flow Screen Components' permission set.

  • Assign to Users: Click on the permission set, then select 'Manage Assignments' to add users who require access to the Avonni Components.

  • Choose Users: In the 'Manage Assignments' section, select the users who need access and confirm the assignment.

If an end-user tries to access a flow with Avonni Flow Screen Components inside with no license assigned, he will see an error message rather than seeing the flow.

Access to Guest Users

Guest users can also use Avonni Components on Experience Cloud Sites without login requirements, which is available as an additional feature for production orgs. For more details, please feel free to contact us.

Guest users within Experience Cloud sites can access Avonni Components embedded in your flows. Follow these steps to enable this functionality:

Make your Site accessible for Guest Users

  • Enable Public Access: Ensure your Experience Cloud site is configured for public access.

  • Allow API Access: In the site's Administration area, navigate to the Preferences page and enable the "Allow guest users to access public APIs" setting.

Configure Flow Access

  • Open the flow you want to make accessible and edit its access settings.

  • Override the default behavior and choose specific profiles or permission sets to access the flow.

Configure Guest User Profile

  • Navigate to the Guest User profile page.

  • Add the desired flow to the "Enabled Flow Access" section to grant guest users access.

Assign Permission to Guest Users

The final step in allowing guest users to access Avonni Components in your flows is to assign the necessary permissions:

  1. Permission Sets Page: Navigate to the Permission Sets section within Salesforce Setup.

  2. Avonni Flow Screen Components: Locate the "Avonni Flow Screen Components" permission set.

  3. Manage Assignments: Click on "Manage Assignments" for the permission set.

  4. Assign to Guest User: Select the Guest User profile and add it to the list of assigned users.

By completing this process, guest users will have the required permissions to interact with and utilize the Avonni Components embedded in your flows

Publish Changes

Publish your site to make the changes live.

By following these steps, guest users can interact with the Avonni Components embedded in your flows, enhancing the functionality and accessibility of your Experience Cloud site.

Last updated