
A header provides a short summary of content.

What the Avonni Header does

The Avonni Header component makes creating visually appealing and informative headers easy. It provides a straightforward way to add titles, subtitles, icons, images, and navigation links to your headers.


Basic Customization

Advanced Header Features

Changing the Properties

Adding a title

This is where you will add an overall title to the header component.

Adding a caption

Used to contain more information about the header component

Adding a background image

Here are some additional details about adding a background image to the header:

  • The background image can be any file type, such as JPEG, PNG, or GIF.

  • The background image will be displayed behind the header text and other content.

Various visual options

  • Is Joined: to unify the header component to your subsequent components inside your screen flow.

  • Is Text Outside: the title will be outside the header

  • Pull to Boundary: to pull the elements on either side of the container to the boundary.

Adding an Avatar

The Avonni Header Flow Screen Component can display an avatar. The avatar can be a user's profile picture, a company logo, or any other image.

To add an avatar to the header, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Avatar section to expand settings.

  2. Select an icon or an image from your computer.

  3. Set various settings like variant, size, and position.

The avatar will be displayed in the header. In the Image settings section, you can adjust its size and position.

Adding Actions

Expand the Actions menu to add actions on the header component. You can add as many actions as you want and define the number of visible action buttons you want to display.

Adding Interactions

Interactions define what happens when users click on an action. A list of interactions is available here.

Here are the available actions for the Header Component:

  • On Action click: Define actions to be performed when a user clicks a button within the header. This could include navigating a different screen, opening a modal, or triggering a specific flow action.

  • On Avatar Action click: Define actions to be performed when a user clicks on an avatar within the header. This could include opening a user profile page, displaying a contact menu, or triggering a specific action related to the user.


The Styles panel allows you to customize the visual appearance of the Avonni Header component. You can modify various styling attributes to match your design preferences and branding.

Available Styling Options


Control the spacing outside the header component. Adjust the top, right, bottom, and left margins to position the header relative to other elements on the page.


Control the spacing inside the header component between the header's content (title, subtitle, etc.) and its border. Adjust the padding of the top, right, bottom, and left to create a visual breathing room.


Customize the appearance of the border surrounding the header. Adjust the border style (solid, dashed, dotted), color, and thickness.

Border Bottom

Specifically, customize the bottom border of the header. This can be useful for visually separating the header from the content below it.


You can control the overall size of the header. Choose from predefined size options (small, medium, large) or set a custom height.

Apply general styling to the entire header container. This can include background color, text color, and font styles.


You can customize the appearance of the header's main title by changing the font size, weight, color, and alignment.


Customize the appearance of the header's caption text, which typically appears below the title. Adjust the font size, weight, color, and alignment.


Customize the appearance of the header's subtitle, which typically appears below the title or caption. Adjust the font size, weight, color, and alignment.


Customize the appearance of action buttons within the header. Adjust the button size, color, background, and icon styles.


Customize the appearance of the user avatar displayed in the header. Adjust the size, shape, and border.

Avatar Actions

Customize the appearance of action buttons associated with the avatar. Adjust the button size, color, background, and icon styles.

Progress Bar

If your header includes a progress bar, customize its appearance here. Adjust the bar color, height, and background.

Progress Circle

If your header includes a progress circle, customize its appearance here. Adjust the circle color, size, and track thickness.

You can find the instructions for styling here.

Last updated