Scoped Notification

Serve advisory information for the user that is not important to justify an alert.


The Scoped Notification component is a user interface element that displays a notification message to users. It is commonly used to alert users to important information or updates. The component consists of a notification message and an optional action button.

Changing the Properties

Adding Title and Content

The Scoped Notification displays a message for the end-user. This message is set if needed by typing a title and some content text.

Adding an icon

An icon can be added to your scoped notification message to illustrate your content. Adding an icon is optional.

Choosing a Variant

A variant defines a color theme for the scoped notification:

  • Base: gray

  • Error: red

  • Dark: dark gray

  • Success: green

  • Warning: yellow

Adding Interactions

No interactions are available.

Styling the Scoped Notification

From the Styles panel, you can customize styling attributes for the Rating:

  • Size: to add a max width for the Scoped Notification.

  • Base: to customize styling settings for the Base variant.

  • Error: to customize styling settings for the Error variant.

  • Dark: to customize styling settings for the Dark variant.

  • Success: to customize styling settings for the Success variant.

  • Warning: to customize styling settings for the warning variant.

  • Icon Border Radius: to customize the icon border radius if any icon is used.

You can find the instructions for styling here.







The name of the icon to be used in the format 'utility:down'.



The size of the icon. Valid options include xx-small, x-small, small, medium, or large.



Title of the notification.



Main content for the notification



The variant changes the look of the scoped notification. Valid values include base, dark, warning, error, success.


No events are available.

Styling Hooks


Icon Border Radius

Define a icon border radius



Text Color

Define a Base Text color

Background Color

Define a Base background color

Icon Background Color

Define a Base icon background color

Icon Foreground Color

Define a Base icon foreground color

Icon Utility Foreground Color

Define a Base icon utility foreground color



Text Color

Define a Text color for the error variant

Background Color

Define a background color for the error variant

Icon Background Color

Define a icon background color for the error variant

Icon Foreground Color

Define a icon foreground color for the error variant

Icon Utility Foreground Color

Define a icon utility foreground color for the error variant



Text Color

Define a Text color for the dark variant

Background Color

Define a background color for the dark variant

Icon Background Color

Define an icon background color for the dark variant

Icon Foreground Color

Define an icon foreground color for the dark variant

Icon Utility Foreground Color

Define an icon utility foreground color for the dark variant



Text Color

Define a Text color for the success variant

Background Color

Define a background color for the success variant

Icon Background Color

Define an icon background color for the success variant

Icon Foreground Color

Define an icon foreground color for the success variant

Icon Utility Foreground Color

Define an icon utility foreground color for the success variant



Text Color

Define a Text color for the warning variant

Background Color

Define a background color for the warning variant

Icon Background Color

Define an icon background color for the warning variant

Icon Foreground Color

Define an icon foreground color for the warning variant

Icon Utility Foreground Color

Define an icon utility foreground color for the warning variant

Last updated