
An illustration is an image and inline text that work together to communicate a state more friendlyly.

The Illustration is also available as an Experience Cloud Component. >> View Documentation


The Illustration Flow Screen component is a user interface element that displays a graphic illustration. It can depict a specific concept or object or add visual interest to the interface. Illustrations are often used to enhance the design and user experience and can help to clarify and convey complex or abstract ideas visually.

The Illustration component can also include formatting options, such as size and color if the text is provided to help the illustration stand out and convey the desired message or concept.

Changing the Properties

  • Variant: select the type of illustration you'd like to display.

  • Size: to set an illustration size.

  • Title: Illustation's title in bold.

  • Content: text description of the illustration.

Adding Interactions

No interactions are available for the illustration component.

Styling the Illustration

No styling settings are available for the illustration component.


No examples are available.




No events are available.

Styling Hooks

No styling hooks are available.

Last updated