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The timeline displays each user’s upcoming, current, and past activities.

The Timeline is also available as an Experience Cloud Component.

📘 Overview

The Timeline is a graphical representation of events, activities, or other items chronologically (it can be used with multi-objects). It can be used to track the progress or history of a particular process or project and provide an overview of events or activities that have occurred over a specific period.

The Timeline Component consists of a horizontal or vertical timeline, with each event or activity represented by a marker. The timeline can be divided into different periods, such as days, weeks, or months.

🎓 Tutorials


The Timeline component showcases activities from multiple sources, organized according to a timeline view.

Building an timeline that shows a list of tasks using the horizontal orientation.

Enhance timelines with Avonni's flexible, user-centric date formatting via Luxon.

Building an timeline that shows a list of tasks based on a GetRecords collection.

Building an timeline component that lists selectable tasks based on a GetRecords collection.

🎛️ Configuring the Timelime

Configuring the Data Source

The Data Source is crucial for determining what information will be displayed on the timeline. Three data sources are available: Manual, Variable, and Query.

Data Source TypeUse CaseWhen to Use


Ideal for static timelines with a predetermined set of events or activities.

When the data doesn’t require updates or changes over time.


Perfect for dynamic timelines where events or activities are linked to changing data in Salesforce.

When your timeline needs to reflect real-time data or updates from Salesforce records.

Suitable for complex timelines that need to pull data from various sources or based on specific criteria.

Ideal for complex data retrieval or when sourcing. Using a 'Get Records' collection with this data source is unnecessary, as the query itself is powerful enough to simplify your flow.

ry Data Source:

  • Initial Display: By default, only 20 items will load at first. This helps keep the Timeline fast and responsive.

  • See All Data: Don't worry! The "Show More" button lets users easily load the rest of your Timeline items.

  • Customization (Optional): You can adjust the number of initially displayed items if desired. Set a value for the "Max Visible Items" attribute in the Pagination section.

Data Mappings integration

Completing data mappings is essential when using a variable data source. This means connecting Salesforce fields from your 'Get Records' collection or the Query Data Source to the matching attributes in the Avonni Timeline component. Doing this will ensure your Salesforce data populates the timeline correctly, displaying the correct information in the right places.

Example: For instance, you might map a field from your 'Get Records' collection, which contains event start dates, directly to the start date attribute of a timeline event in the Avonni Timeline.

Check out our article on assigning various source collections from multiple objects to the Activity Timeline.

Timeline Orientation

  • Horizontal: Displays the timeline in a left-to-right format.

  • Vertical: Presents the timeline in a top-down format.



The Horizontal Orientation is presenting chronological events or activities in a linear, horizontally-oriented way.


Display a list of activities in a chronological vertical way.

Sorted Direction

Display Order (Asc/Desc): Control how timeline items are arranged – earliest to latest (Ascending) or latest to earliest (Descending).

Group By

Group By (Vertical Timeline): Organize your timeline by Day, Week, Month, or Year. For example, group tasks by their due date, or project milestones by month.

Field Attributes

Customization of Layout

Define the number of columns each field occupies within the container, allowing precise control over the timeline's layout and appearance.

Purpose: Optimize the visual presentation for improved readability and alignment across different screen sizes.

Fields display in the Timeline

Item Actions

Enhancing User Interaction

Place actions at the top right of each timeline item, providing users with quick access to complete tasks in Salesforce.

Benefit: Enables setting specific action names for each item, streamlining user interactions and task completion.

End-user view of where the item actions are located.

Filtering Options

Offer filtering options displayed as a popover, allowing users to refine what's shown on the timeline.

Setting Up Filters: Add fields from your data source as filters, enabling users to narrow down the timeline view based on specific criteria or attributes

How to add filters on your Timeline

🎚️ Changing the Properties

Changing the Orientation

The Timeline is available in two variants. Horizontal and Vertical orientation.



The Horizontal Orientation is presenting chronological events or activities in a linear, horizontally-oriented way.


Display a list of activities in a chronological vertical way.

The Header section gives you control over the appearance and functionality of your Timeline header.



Define a meaningful title for your Timeline. It introduces the timeline's content and is a key element of the visual hierarchy.


Use the caption field to add a brief description or supplementary information for your Timeline. This can be especially useful for providing context or additional details about the table data.


Add an icon to your header to enhance its visual appeal or to help convey the Timeline's purpose or content at a glance.

Is Joined

This property, when activated, gives the header a square, shadowless bottom border. This makes the header blend seamlessly with another component, making the Timeline appear as a continuous, unified element.


Add interactive buttons to your header to enable specific actions from the interaction pane. This provides additional functionality and enhances user engagement with the Timeline.

🪄 Adding Interactions

From the interactions panel, you can create interactions when users click on an activity item and/or an action. For example, you may want to redirect users to the record page when they click the activity item link.

Here is a complete list of actions you can add to the Timeline.

🎨 Styling the Timeline

From the Style panel, you can customize styling attributes for the Timelime component:

  • Size: set a specific size for the component.

  • Toolbar: customize the background color of the toolbar.

You can only define Margin and Size for the Timeline from the Styles panel.

🎛️ Specifications




Array of action objects. The actions are displayed at the top right of each item.



If present, the group sections are closed by default. This attribute is supported only for the vertical orientation.



If present, the section is collapsible and the collapse icon is visible. This attribute is supported only for the vertical orientation.



If present, the value will define how the items will be grouped. Valid values include week, month or year. This attribute is supported only for the vertical orientation.



The Lightning Design System name of the icon displayed in the header, before the title. Specify the name in the format 'utility:down' where 'utility' is the category, and 'down' is the specific icon to be displayed.



The size of the title's icon. Valid values are xx-small, x-small, small, medium and large.



The date format to use for each item. See this tutorial to learn more.



Orientation of the timeline. Valid values include vertical and horizontal.



If present, the value will define how the items will be grouped. Valid values include week, month or year. This attribute is supported only for the vertical orientation.



Title of the timeline, displayed in the header.



The maximum number of visible items to display.



Array of item objects.

Last updated