Hero Banner

The hero banner introduces the goals or purpose of the product or service.


A hero banner is a large, eye-catching image or video that grabs users' attention and conveys a message or call to action. It is often used on a website or application's homepage to highlight the main benefits or features of the site or product.

Hero banners can include various features and elements, such as buttons or links for users to interact with, and responsive design elements that adjust the layout and content based on the device's size and orientation. They can also include formatting options, such as font size and color, to help the text stand out and convey the desired message or call to action.

Here are some tips for creating effective hero banners:

  • Use high-quality images or videos that are relevant to your target audience.

  • Keep your message or call to action clear and concise.

  • Use bright colors and fonts to make your banner stand out.

  • Ensure your banner is responsive and looks good on all devices.

Changing the Properties

Adding a title

The title lets you enter the text for the main hero content. You can adjust the title alignment by setting the content to horizontal/vertical alignment options.

Customizing the layout

Layout options lets you define specific height and width for the Hero Banner.

Adding Interactions

No interactions are available for the Hero Banner.

Styling the Hero Banner

From the Styles panel, you can customize styling attributes for the Hero Banner:

  • Banner: to customize the Banner background color if an image is present.

  • Title: to customize the style for the title text.

  • Caption: to customize the style for the caption text.

  • Subtitle: to customize the style for the subtitle text.

  • Primary Button: to customize the style of the primary button.

  • Secondary Button: to customize the style of the secondary button.

You can find the instructions for styling here.





Styling Hooks




Primary Button

Secondary Button

Last updated