Today's Accounts to Visit


We're creating a "Today's Accounts to Visit" tool for Sales Reps. It's a Salesforce flow that uses Avonni components to show a list of accounts that need to be visited today based on the events scheduled in Salesforce.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building the 'Today's Accounts' Screen Flow:

Step 1: Creating the 'Get Today's Events' Records Collection:

  • Purpose: To gather today's relevant events for the current user, aiding in effective task management.

  • Implementation: This collection interacts with the Salesforce Event object, applying filters:

    • OwnerId Field equals {!$User.Id} to target the current user’s events.

    • ActivityDate Field equals {!$Flow.CurrentDate} to concentrate on today's events.

Step 2: Adding the Custom Avonni Apex Action 'SObject Collection to Text Collection':

We will use a special Avonni tool called "SObject Collection to Text Collection." Think of it like a translator. It takes complicated Salesforce data (like event details) and turns it into something simpler, like a list of account IDs. This makes it easier for us to use the data in the next steps.

We'll name this action "Today's Account Ids." We'll tell it to look at the event data from Step 1 and pull out the "Related to ID" field, which contains the account IDs

Step 3: Get the Account Details

We'll get the full details for each account we identified in the last step.

We'll connect to the "Account" object in Salesforce and use a filter. The filter will say "IN" and then use the list of account IDs we got from the "Today's Account Ids" action. This will give us a collection of all the accounts that have events scheduled for today.

Step 4: Show the Accounts on the Screen

We'll make the screen look friendly and easy for Sales Reps to use.

  • Avonni Header: This will be the title at the top. Set it to say "Today's Accounts to Visit" and check the 'Is Joined' box to add a line under the title.

  • Avonni List: This is where the accounts will be listed. Connect it to the 'Get Accounts' data we collected earlier. Set it up to show the account name as the main label, the billing city as a short description, and include the account's avatar image if available.

Enhancing Functionality with an Action Button: Add an action button to each item in the Avonni List. This button can trigger a flow for Sales Reps to mark an account as visited and remove it from the day's list to maintain focus.

Wrapping Up

This Salesforce flow is an excellent example of how you can customize Salesforce to make your Sales Reps more productive. By giving them a clear list of the accounts they need to visit each day, they can better manage their time and make sure they connect with the right people.

Last updated