🆕Platform Events


Think of Platform Events as Salesforce's built-in messaging system. They let different parts of your Salesforce org or external systems communicate seamlessly in real time. It's like having an interconnected network where every component is instantly aware of essential changes elsewhere.

So, why does this matter for your Flows?

Imagine a scenario where multiple sales reps work from the same lead cadence list. As soon as one rep claims a lead, you want that lead to disappear from everyone else's view, preventing conflicts and ensuring everyone's working with the most up-to-date information. This is where Platform Events come into play.

  • Real-time Collaboration: Platform Events enable instant updates across your Flow, so everyone sees the same, accurate data, no matter how many users interact with it simultaneously.

  • Conflict Prevention: By instantly reflecting changes, you avoid situations where multiple reps try to claim the same lead.

  • Enhanced User Experience: A responsive, up-to-the-minute interface keeps your users engaged and productive.

Avonni Data Components: Your Real-Time Powerhouse

Avonni's Data Components are designed to leverage the magic of Platform Events. They can listen for and react to these real-time messages, making your Flows dynamic and collaborative.

Last updated