Vertical Visual Picker

Easily select from vertical options for clear, engaging decision-making.

What the Avonni Vertical Picker does

The Avonni Vertical Picker component reimagines how users make selections within Salesforce. It presents options in a clear and organized vertical layout, transforming a mundane task into an engaging and user-friendly experience.

Configuring the Vertical Visual Picker

The initial step in setting up the Vertical Visual Picker is determining how you want to retrieve and display your data.

Data Source

The "Data Source Configuration" step in setting up the Visual Picker is where you tell the Visual Picker where to get its information from within Salesforce.

Data Source TypeUse CaseWhen to Use

For a predefined set of items that don’t require dynamic updates.

Ideal for static content or rapid setup with specific items.

Dynamically displaying items based on variable collections in Salesforce.

Suitable when list content reflects changing data from Salesforce records.

Displaying a list of options defined in a Salesforce picklist.

Best for presenting a list of predefined options for selection.

Fetching data based on a specific query, pulling various records or data points.

Ideal for complex data retrieval or when sourcing. Using a 'Get Records' collection is not necessary with this method, as the query itself is powerful enough to simplify your flow

Data Mappings

When using a dynamic data source for your Vertical Visual Picker, you must configure the Data Mappings section to tell the component how to create picker items from your data.

Think of it like a translator: Data Mappings ensure the correct information from your Salesforce data.

Why are Data Mappings Important?

Without data mapping, the Vertical Visual Picker wouldn't know which part of your data to use. This could result in the Vertical Visual Picker showing incorrect or irrelevant information.

How Do Data Mappings Work?

In the Data Mappings section, you'll establish the connection between your Salesforce data fields and the corresponding List attributes. By selecting which field maps to which attribute (for example, the "Account Name" field to the "Title" attribute), you ensure each item accurately displays the correct information from your Salesforce data.

Changing the Properties

Selecting a type

The type attribute allows you to define how the input selection should behave. To enable users to select multiple options, use buttons checkboxes instead of radio buttons.

Selection Range Customization

The Vertical Visual Picker components now include a 'Selection Range Customization' feature, enhancing your control over item selection. This feature allows you to define minimum and maximum selection limits, particularly useful when utilizing the Checkbox Type.

By setting these parameters, you can precisely manage the number of options a user can select, ensuring adherence to your specified range and enhancing the accuracy of data collection or user input.

Setting a Size

You can access four different ratio values to decide the width of your vertical visual picker items. Visual picker items come in four sizes - small, medium, large and responsive (default as it takes all the width).

Width value can be customized from the Style Panel under the size section.

Choosing a Variant

The Variant attribute lets you decide the appearance of an item when selected.

The coverable variant covers the whole item, whereas non coverable only check the upper top right corner of the item.

Variant TypeImage


The coverable variant type refers to the appearance of an item when it is selected. When used, it covers the whole item.

Non Coverable

The non-coverable variant only checks the upper top right corner of the item when selected.

Adding Sub-items

You can find more information about adding sub-items in the tips and tricks section.

Adding Interactions

Interactions define what happens when users interact with the Vertical visual picker component. A list of interactions is available here.

Here are the available interactions for the Vertical visual picker component:

  • On Change: The event fired when the slider value changed.

Accessing the selected value

You can reference its attribute to use the selected value from the Vertical Visual Picker in your flow. This attribute holds the currently selected item(s) from the picker.


  1. In your flow: After the Vertical Visual Picker component in your flow, add a Display Text component.

  2. Configure the Display Text component: In the 'Value' field of the Display Text component, use the formula {!Vertical_Visual_Picker.value} (replace "Vertical_Visual_Picker" with the actual API name of your Vertical Visual Picker component).

  3. Run the flow: When you make a selection in the Vertical Visual Picker, the Display Text component will show the selected value(s).

Key Points:

  • Data Type: The value attribute's data type depends on your Vertical Visual Picker's configuration:

    • Single Selection (Radio buttons): The value will be a single value (e.g., the ID or label of the selected item).

    • Multiple Selection (Checkboxes): The value will be a list of values (e.g., an array of IDs or labels of the selected items).

  • valueCollection and valueCollectionSerialized:

    • valueCollection: When selected, the value attribute will give you a list of the selected items' values. This is helpful if you need to use those values in other parts of your flow.

    • valueCollectionSerialized: When this is selected, the value attribute will give you a text version of the list of selected items, formatted like this: ["Banking","Biotechnology","Chemicals"]. This format is helpful if you need to store or send the selected data in a specific way.

  • Further Processing: You can use the retrieved value in subsequent flow elements for further processing, decision-making, or data updates


From the Styles panel, you can customize styling attributes for the vertical visual picker:

  • Header: to customize the styling settings of the label.

  • Title: to customize the styling settings of the title text.

  • Description: to customize the styling settings of the description text.

  • Background: to customize the styling settings of the item's background.

  • Border: to customize the styling settings of the item's border.

You can find the instructions for styling here.

Last updated