Record Detail

v5.3 New Feature Alert: Need a specific field to be filled out? You can now easily make fields required.


The Record Detail component enhances Screen Flows by simplifying the display of multiple record fields. It allows for a clean and customizable presentation of data driven by a single Record ID. Users can choose between various column layouts, making information display flexible and user-friendly, thus enhancing the overall application experience.

The strength of the Avonni Record Detail component lies in its flexibility and the capability to tailor a custom layout for displaying specific record detail information.



This tutorial shows setting up the Avonni Record Detail component to interact and synchronize with other flow components.

Configuring the Component

Object Name attribute

This setting connects the Record Detail component to a specific object. By linking to an object name, the component understands which record fields to display, ensuring that the displayed information is sourced correctly from the designated object.

Record ID attribute

In this section, you should specify the ID of the record whose field information you wish to display. The Record ID can be sourced from a variable or reactively from another component. For instance, you can display fields related to an account selected through a map marker in the Avonni Map component.

Displaying field information from a variable

Display field information using Reactivity from another component

Read Only attribute

When this option is enabled, the information displayed from the record fields will be non-editable, ensuring that the data remains in a view-only mode.

Configuring the Layout

Compact layout

Only the fields specified in the object's compact layout configuration will be displayed.

Full layout

All fields defined in the page layout will be displayed.

Custom layout

The custom layout option allows you to define the content and presentation of fields precisely within the Record Detail component. This highly flexible feature enables the addition of multiple fields either on the same line or within separate sections, catering to your specific display requirements.

How to create multiple columns

To create multiple columns, drag a field and drop it next to an existing one on the same line.

The Record Detail component is responsive, automatically adjusting the layout of multiple fields in a column to fit the end-user's screen size.

How to create a section

To organize fields into a section, drag them into the area highlighted by a blue overlay, which appears when you hover your mouse over it. To add a title and make the section collapsible:

  1. Hover over the section and click on the pencil icon on the right side of the blue overlay.

  2. Enter a title for your section.

  3. To collapse or expand the section, click the arrow icon on the right side of the section header.

This allows you to neatly categorize fields and manage the display according to your preferences.

Making Fields Required

To ensure data completeness, you can easily designate required fields. When hovering over a field in the custom layout, a small asterisk icon (*) will appear. Click this icon to toggle the required field setting on or off. This provides a visual cue for users, ensuring that essential data is not overlooked.

How to save the record information

This step is vital for the proper functioning of the Record Detail Component. It ensures that any information your users edit is accurately saved. Follow these instructions to set up the interaction:

  1. Navigate to the Interaction Tab.

  2. Click on the "Add Save" button.

  3. From the available interactions, select "Upsert Records."

  4. Click Save to finalize the setup.

Data Model Sharing:

  • Respecting Org Settings: The Avonni Components fully comply with your Salesforce organization's existing data-sharing configurations and access settings.

  • No Interference Policy: These components do not alter or affect your pre-established data-sharing rules in any way.

  • Controlled Visibility and Access: The ability to view and interact with records through Avonni Components is governed by your organization's defined sharing settings and user permissions.

Last updated